Our Privacy Policy

Oshima Farm Co., Ltd. has established the following privacy policy regarding the protection of customers' personal information. We will legally and appropriately handle the privacy data in accordance with this.
1. How to obtain personal information
When a user registers for use, we collect personally identifiable information such as name, address, telephone number, and email address. When you submit the inquiry form, we will collect your name, phone number, and email address.
2.Purpose of use of personal information
Personal information received from customers will be used for the purpose of contacting our company.
If it becomes necessary to contact a registered person, we may contact you using the registered e-mail address or telephone number. As a general rule, we do not provide acquired personal information to third parties. However, if the rights or property of this site, related companies or individuals, etc. suffer harm or loss, or if it becomes necessary to protect them, or if we take measures such as taking legal measures, or This does not apply if required by law or if requested by a relevant government agency such as an inquiry form for investigation-related matters.
3.Prohibition of disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties
We will appropriately manage the personal information entrusted to us by our customers and will not disclose personally identifiable information to third parties except in the following cases.
Customers have consented for a disclosure of the personal information.
When it is necessary to disclose based on laws and regulationsInquiry about the person.
If a customer wishes to inquire, correct, or delete their personal information, we will respond after confirming the identity of the customer.
当社は、個人情報の正確性及び安全性確保のために、セキュリティに万全の対策 を講じています。当サイトはSSLに対応しており、WebブラウザとWebサーバーとの通信を暗号化しています。ユーザーが入力する氏名や住所、電話番号などの個人情報は自動的に暗号化されます。
5. Advertising